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R Meir Shapiro Ztl

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Rav Meir Shapiro zt"l, the Lubliner Rav, was a visionary gadol batorah who reshaped the landscape of Torah learning. He was the founder of the Yeshivas Chachmei Lublin, an institution that became a beacon of Torah scholarship. His revolutionary idea was the Daf Yomi, a daily page of Talmud study, uniting Jews worldwide in a communal learning cycle. A brilliant orator and mechanech, his shiurim were not just about depth but also about passion for Torah. He was also known for his efforts in Jewish advocacy, representing the Jewish community at international forums like the League of Nations. His leadership was marked by his ahavas Yisroel, and his life was one of dedication to Klal Yisrael, even amidst personal yissurim. Rav Meir's legacy lives on through the countless talmidim he inspired and the ongoing Daf Yomi, a testament to his vision of Torah for all.


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